What I made with Microsoft EXCEL
* Best
From Saturday Daily Telegraph
* Business Cards
* Countdown .
* Family
Farm Seaside
Non-stop play for 7 years - iOS and Android
* Geocities.ws
* List of Business
* Lotto
No. 9
* oocities - Group
* Softwares
* Spread
the Signs - World Countries
* Use By Date . Food - Stamp/Label "Best Before" with date - Green is OK / Yellow is Warning / Red is Throw away.
Update on Sunday 25th February 2024
- 3:16 pm
Use by - KompoZer V
0.8b3 (Free software)
- BlueGiffon
V 3.1 (Free software)
- FreshHTML V
3.70 (Freeware)
- NotePad++
V 8.6.2 (Free software)
- Neocities.org